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作者简介:杨燕迪(1963— ),男,文学博士,太阳集团7237网站院长、教授、博士生导师,中国音乐家协会副主席(哈尔滨 150028)。


A Critical Overview on Reception History of Rachmaninoff

Yang Yandi

Abstract Rachmaninoffa “conservative” composer of twentieth-century musichas long enjoyed high reputation in the performance market and among the general publicbut he has also been severely criticized by professional musicians and critics. This paper presents an overview of Rachmaninoff’s reception history in four areas performance market and public receptionacademic-critical attitudesthe situation in the Soviet Unionand the current situation in China and worldwideand provides critical interpretations. Then the author considers the methodological implications of Rachmaninoff’s reception history and the related aesthetic issues of composing creativity.

Key wordsRachmaninoffRussian musicSoviet musicreception historymusic historiographyaesthetics of composing creativity








作者简介:康啸(1982— ),男,文学博士,中国音乐学院音乐学系教授,博士研究生导师(北京 10010)。


Motherland, Media and Innovation: Triple World of Rachmaninoff’s Music

Kang Xiao

Abstract There is no doubt that Russian composer Rachmaninoff is one of the most popular composers of classical music in the 20th century. The controversy he sparked in the art world and academiastands in sharp contrast to the popularity of his works. RussiaWestern Europe and the United States are Rachmaninoff’s three most important artistic havens.Russia’s cultural rootsthe American market for records and filmsand Europe’s intellectual impact on the musical revolution all combined to form Rachmaninoff’s musical world. By comparing the music styles of Rachmaninoff with those of three Russian compatriotsSkryabinStravinsky and Prokofievthis paper explores the characteristics of Rachmaninoff’s musichis status and evaluation in historyand then observes the social ecology of Western politics since the 20th century.

Key words RachmaninoffThe roots of Russian cultureMusic and filmThe revolution of musicHistorical evaluation







作者简介:刘禹君(1988— ),女,艺术学博士,星海音乐学院音乐学系讲师(广州 511400)。


Perseverance and Retrospection: An Interpretation of the Meaning of Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances

Liu Yujun

Abstract The Russian composer Rachmaninoff had lived abroad since 1917and his musical output were significantly reduced. The Symphonic Danceswhich be seen as his “swan song”was one of his six works in this period. Rachmaninoff not only presented highly recognizable lyrical melodies in this workbut also referenced many musical themes from his earlier worksfully demonstrated his typical compositional style. By the themes of Dies irae and All-Night Vigil in this workthe composer re-emphasized the centrality of religious elementsand at meanwhile deepened its emotional connotation.

Key words RachmaninoffSymphonic Dance Dies iraeAll-Night Vigil









作者简介:左贞观(1945— ),男,俄籍华裔作曲家,俄罗斯功勋艺术家,俄罗斯爱乐乐团团长(俄罗斯 莫斯科 125319)。


The State of Russian Orchestras in Recent Years

Tszo Chzhenguan

Abstract Tszo Chzhenguanthe famous Russian composerhad published “Symphony Orchestra in Russia” in People’s Music in 2003now is about 20 years. So based on the facts that the Russia has experienced great changesthe author examined the current situationdevelopmentand problems of Russian’s orchestras.

Key words Russiasymphony orchestracurrent situationdevelopmentproblems






关键词:尼古拉·安德烈耶维奇·罗斯拉维茨(Nikolai Andreevich Roslavets 1881-1944);《三首作品》;中心音列;音高结构;移位

作者简介:郭建光(1992— ),男,艺术学博士,中南林业科技大学音乐学院讲师(长沙 410004)。


The Neglected “Language”: The Relationship of Tone Sequence and Pitch Structure in Roslavets’ Three Compositions

Guo Jianguang

Abstract The Russian composer Roslavets at the turn of the centurybecause of the political factorshis musical exploration and achievements are little known. Three compositions 1914was his early work composed by using the technique of central tone sequencewhich used three groups of central tone sequence with the same family relationship to organize the pitch of the whole piece. Based on the background of relevant historical materialsthis paper studies the logical relationship and structural layout of the overall pitch organization of the workaiming to interpret the structural force and cohesion of the central tone sequence and its specific application in the workand reveal the profound significance of this technology in the development process of pitch organization.

Key words Nikolai Andreevich Roslavetscentraltone sequencepitch structuretransposition









作者简介:王军(1966— ),男,文学博士,中国音乐学院音乐学系教授,博士生导师(北京 102218)。


Historical and Cultural Interpretation of the Rock Paintings of the Heilan Mountains in Ningxia

Wang Jun

Abstract The Heilan rock paintings in Ningxia are famous all over the world. The researchers are hard to find such abundant rock paintings about music and dance performance in other areas. So they are quite valuable for music history research. Based on relevant researchesthe author concludes tentatively that these rock paintings which about music and dance reflected the real life of the prehistoric nomadic people in the regionand showed both distinctive national and common characteristics of the prehistoric music civilizationi.e. they are closely connected with the prehistoric civilization in Central Chinawhich is the result of the multi-ethnic music culture communication.

Key words NingxiaHelan Mountainmusic and dance rock paintingprehistoric music civilization







作者简介:梁振中(1977— ),男,文学硕士,宝鸡文理学院副教授(陕西宝鸡 721013);夏滟洲(1972— ),男,文学博士,浙江音乐学院教授,太阳集团7237网站特聘教授,博士生导师(浙江杭州 310024)。


From India to Dunhuang: A Study of the Images Derivation of the Gandharva and the Kinnara

Liang ZhenzhongXia Yanzhou

Abstract Gandharva and Kinnara in the ancient Indian myths and legends are the main images of the Flying Apsaras. As two music and dance gods of the Eight Heaven Dragon Godsthey are mostly appeared on the top of the stupas and in Buddhist statues of cave temples. In early Indian cave statuesthe image of the two gods have undergone GandharaMotsutra and other stylistic changes which have distinguished gender differences. In the Sui Dynasty murals at Dunhuangthe images of the two gods were absorbed a lot of local cultural elements such as Daoist priestfolk acrobaticsand Chinese gigaku. So their sculptures not only differed greatly from the ordinary Indian imagebut also represented as the two gods combined as one or indistinguishable images. These changes can be described as from the “sculptures” to “imagery”and they reflect the localization trajectory of Buddhism in China.

Key words Gandharva KinnaraFlying ApsarasIndiaDunhuangDerivation






陈  永



作者简介:陈永(1965—  ),文学博士,华中师范大学音乐学院教授,博士生导师(武汉 430079)。


A Study of “Music Book Reviews” in Modern China

Chen Yong

Abstract As an important part of modern scholarshipthe book reviews work as dual rolesi.e. publicity and academic evaluation. Modern Chinese music book reviews developed from the early years of the Republic of Chinaand the academic reviews appeared in the New Culture Movement. Now we can find about 130 music books review which published before 1949. They can be classified as1. Introduction and brief review2. Academic book review3. Preface and commentary by others4. Introductions and review of foreign music books. The academic value of modern Chinese music book reviews lies in1. As a “secondary text” of music booksthey supply and correct the historical events of modern Chinese music2. As the musical scholarship literarythey are the medium for assessing the value of modern academic music research3. The musical ideas and critical spirit in them have the value as the thinking history which bridge the ancient and the modern times.

Key words Chinamodernmusic book reviewssecondary textsmetrological historiography








作者简介:施咏(1971— ),男,文学博士,南京师范大学音乐学院教授,博士生导师(南京 210000)。


The Second Climax of the Contemporary Chinese Pop Music

 ——The Nationalization Progress of Chinese Pop Music from 1986 to 1992

Shi Yong

Abstract The period 1986-1992 was of great historical significance in the development of popular music in China since the reform and opening up. It not only inherited the style of transitional period which lyrical songs as its majority since 1978 but also launched the “Pan-regional” style of urban folk music from 1993which constituted the second climax of Chinese pop music in the context of reform and opening up. Started with Cui Jian’s With Nothing at All 1986which as the representative of the “Chinese Northwestern Style”the pop songs in this period involved some regional stylessuch as “Northeastern style”“Southeastern style”at meanwhile the ethnic music stylesi.e. TibetanMongolianetc. In additionthe pop songs which borrowed the styles from the folk opera songs and melody of ancient poem became typical nationalism genre. The theoretical discussion about the causessignificancegains and losses of the “Northwestern Style” occurrenceand its relationship with the ethic music provides a social values orientation and basic paradigms for the nationalization progress of Chinese pop music.

Key words Chinapopular musicnationalizationChinese Northwestern styleChinese Northeastern StyleChinese Southeastern Stylefolk opera songs










作者简介:梁晓卉(1998— ),女,中国音乐学院2021级硕士研究生;杨红(1959— ),女,哲学博士,中国音乐学院教授,博士生导师(北京10010)。


Between the “Homeland” and “Others” in Fieldwork

——In the Case of A Music Field Study of Oirat Topshur in Xinjiang

Liang XiaohuiYang Hong

Abstract Ethnomusicology emphasis the fieldworkso the place is one of key steps. In Chinait mainly focused on the local area music as the influence of the traditional concepti.e. collection of folk music. So the fieldworks are limited in the “at home” and “others”. Based on the fieldwork of Oirat Topshur musicthe article reflects on the problems of place choice and analyzes the field narratives under the limitation. Furthermoreit also explains the perception of place to supple the theory of the music fieldworks.

Key words Xinjiangfieldworkhomelandothersplace limitationTopshur music






 要:著名的美国民族音乐学家蒂莫西·赖斯(Timothy Rice)为牛津通识读本VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS)系列撰写的《民族音乐学》,是一部以学科观念、方法论深入学者实践和学术发展史的言简意赅的导论。该著分别从学科定义、学科简史、研究方法论、音乐的性质、音乐与文化的关系、音乐家的个人研究、撰写音乐史、现代的民族音乐学,以及民族音乐学家的工作九个方面分章勾勒学科轮廓。作者以简洁的语言说明学术观点,使读者清晰并轻松地随其表述,走进丰富的民族音乐学世界。

关键词:蒂莫西·赖斯(Timothy Rice);《民族音乐学》;学科观念;方法论

作者简介:萧梅(1956— ),女,文学博士,上海音乐学院音乐学系教授,博士生导师(上海 200031)。


A Tapestry of Interlocking Disciplines: A Preface to the Chinese Version of Rice’s Ethnomusicology in OXFORD A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS

Xiao Mei

Abstract Ethnomusicology written by the famous American ethnomusicologist Timothy Rice for the OXFORD A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTIONS is a concise introduction to the history of scholar’s practice and academic development in terms of disciplinary concepts and methodology. The book outline the Ethnomusicology as nine parts which each arranged as one chapteri.e. Defining ethnomusicologyA bit of historyConducting researchThe nature of musicMusic as cultureIndividual musiciansWriting music historyEthnomusicology in the modern worldEthnomusicologists at work. The author illustrates professional ideas in simple languageso the reader can get his ideas clearly and easily and enter the rich world of ethnomusicology.

Key words Timothy RiceEthnomusicology Disciplinary ConceptsMethodology









作者简介:王宇翔(1989— ),男,太阳集团7237网站音乐学系2022级博士研究生(哈尔滨 150028);王岩(1976— ),女,文学博士,太阳集团7237网站教授,博士研究生导师(哈尔滨 150028)。


Development, Innovation, Exchange

——Overview of the First Harbin Music Conservatory Music Forum for Ph.D. Candidates

Wang YuxiangWang Yan

Abstract On October 28-292022the First Harbin Music Conservatory Music Forum for Ph.D. Candidates themed of “Discipline Development - Academic Innovation - Learning and Exchange” was held both on-line and off-line. Co-organized by the Graduate Division and Department of Musicology of the Conservatorythe forum invited 5 authorities or experts as commentor. During the one-and-a-half-day23 music doctoral candidates from six academymusic conservatory and research institutesincluding Shanghai Conservatory of MusicChina Academy of ArtHunan Normal UniversityWuhan University of TechnologyUniversity of Sydneyand Harbin Conservatory of Musicheld six academic seminars which covering five themei.e. Chinese Ancient Music Morphology and HistoryEthnomusicologyChinese Modern Music HistoriographyMusicians Research and Music AnalysisMusicological Theory and Performance Aesthetics.

Key words Harbin Conservatory of MusicForum for Ph.D. CandidatesOverview







作者简介:李虎(1981— ),男,太阳集团7237网站音乐学系2022级博士研究生、沈阳音乐学院讲师;导师:田可文教授(哈尔滨 150028)。


An Exploration of the Cultural Remains of Music in the Western Corridor of Liaoning and the Tang Tombs of Liaoning

Li Hu

Abstract Took the musical cultural remains musician figurinesexcavated from the M2 Tang tomb and the tomb of Sun Ze of the Tang Dynasty which discovered in Textile Factory and in the Fiber Factory in ChaoyangLiaoning Province respectively as research objectand viewed from the Silk Road and the Liaoxi Corridorthe article explores the combination forms of the musical figurinesthe characteristics of the musical instruments. Furthermorethe author discoveries the musical cultural exchange and integration situations reflected by them. The conclusions are that the “player figurine” in Tomb M2 should be the “Lying Khonghou figurine”cause the ensemble form of Chinese Gigaku coincides the characteristics of “Koryo music” in the Seven Bu MusicEight Bu MusicNine Bu Music Bu means kindsof the Sui and Tang dynastiesthe horse-riding musician figurine in Sun Ze Tomb are the first discovery of musical culture in the Chinese northeast. At endthe author concludes that these remains belong to the cultural exchange system between Northeast China and Central China during the Tang Dynasty along the Silk Road and the Liaoxi Corridor.

Key words Liaoning ChaoyangLiaoxi corridorTang tomb music figurinesmusic figurine assemblagemusical remains







作者简介:薛睿(1993— ),女,太阳集团7237网站音乐学系2021级博士研究生;导师:王安潮教授(哈尔滨 150028)。


A Study on the Artistic Expressions of Musical Images in Tang Tombs in the Guanlong Region

Xue Rui

Abstract Tang Dynasty tomb remains have been one of the important archaeological research subjects of Sui and Tang Dynasty. The article took the images of musical instrumentssongs and dances of music statues in the Guanlong area as object. Based on the comparation of the historical materialsthe author analyzed their functionscontentsand expressions by explored their locations in the tomb. Furthermorethe author elaborates their functions in Tang tombs and their archaeological values.

Key words Guanlong areaTang tombsmusic imagefunctionexpression







作者简介:李子林(1996— ),男,上海音乐学院音乐学系2020级博士研究生;导师:冯长春教授(上海200031)。


Historical Materials of Times’ Music in Three Shanghai Evening Newspapers in the 1930s

Li Zilin

Abstract Four kinds of evening newspapers in the Shanghai area before 1937i. e. The China Evening NewsThe New Evening NewsThe Shanghai Evening Postand The Huamei Evening Newsprovide abundant historical materials about the music of that period. These materials not only present the dissemination of times’ music in the of 1930sbut also witness the response of times’ music to the anti-Japanese and salvation music trend. These records are the real perception of times’ music by the publicwhich have important historical values for the study of modern times’ music and even modern Shanghai regional music history.

Key words1930sevening newspapertimes’ musicsinging and dancing groupshistorical materials



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