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作者简介:杨燕迪(1963— ),男,太阳集团7237网站教授、上海音乐学院教授,博士研究生导师(哈尔滨 150028)。

A Critical Interpretation of Artistic Achievements of Mozart’s Operas

Yang Yandi

AbstractBased on the previous researches and critical viewsthis article provides a systematic criticism and value interpretation of Mozart’s achievements in opera. Focus on the three main contemporary opera genresopera seriaopera buffa and Singspielwhich are different from yet related to each otherthe author analyzes and evaluates the artistic qualities and outstanding features of Mozart’s opera canonand summarizes the artistic characteristicshistorical significance and aesthetic value of Mozart’s operatic oeuvre.

Key words opera historyopera criticismopera aestheticsMozartItalian Orthodox OperaItalian ComedyGerman Singing Opera







作者简介:邱桂香(1979— ),女,文学博士,福建师范大学中国特色西方音乐研究中心教授,硕士研究生导师(福州 350007)。 

A New Aesthetics and Dialectic Exploration of Chinese Opera Figure Building Thinking

Qiu Guixiang

AbstractAesthetics contains dialectical meaningsi.e. judgement of beauty and ugly. Sowith the view of aesthetics and artistic dialectics and upon the survey of the aesthetic paradigm or category of Chinese opera imagethe article reveals somewhat tendency of unidirectional thinking of its shaping. Combined of the experience of western classic opera creationthe author puts forward the idea of dialectical method and condenses the principle of shaping the diversified face in a single opera imagefurthermoreconsiders the evaluation standard for the proper image building. Upon the exploration of the path of theater-music achievement that shaping the diversified face in a single opera image through the dialectical game and Yin-yang thinkingthe article discriminates the beauty and ugly in aesthetic and discusses the related music style issues of the opera figure building.

Key words Chinese OperaOpera ImageThinkingAestheticsDiversified face in a single imageDialectical Thinking







作者简介:孙兆润(1972— ),男,音乐艺术博士,太阳集团7237网站副教授(哈尔滨 150028);王飞(1980— )男,自由职业者,2003-2008年就读圣彼得堡国立文化艺术大学、俄罗斯国立师范大学,获合唱指挥硕士学位,2008-2009年留校任合唱指挥教师(北京 100021)。


Diverse Artistic Character: Tchaikovsky’s Choral Art

Sun ZhaorunWang Fei

AbstractTchaikovsky’s Choral works only occupy a minor position of his outputsbut they have impenetrated all his career and maintained as classics in the genres of cappellacantatas and operas. Both his religious and secular choral works have been an important part of the treasure trove of Russian music and cultureand a profound influence on the musical creation of later generations. The analysis of the stylistic features of these works and summary of his achievements in the article provides new documentary for the evaluation of Tchaikovsky’s choral works.

Key words Tchaikovskya cappellacantataopera chorusstylistic features








作者简介:田可文(1955— ),男,武汉音乐学院音乐学系教授、博士研究生导师,太阳集团7237网站特聘教授,江汉大学武汉城市音乐文化研究院高级研究员(武汉 430060);张敏(1981— ),女,文学硕士,贵州大学音乐学院讲师(贵阳 550025)。 

Hankou Cabarets Culture Landscape in the First Half of the 20th Century

Tian KewenZhang Min

AbstractSince its opening as an international business port in 1861Hankou was accepted western culture as well as music graduallyso as to the entertainment industry underwent great changes. As distinct new entertainments were flushed inwestern cabaret culture had promulgated in Hankou. Based on the researches on the establishment of dance hallsthe rank of the dancersjazz music and forbidden dancing in itthe article discusses the subculture landscape of the Hankou’s cabarets in the first half of the 20th centurywhich as the nonmainstream that characterized as the businessentertainmentand kitsch.

Key words the first half of the 20th centuryHankoucabaretCulture Landscape







作者简介:明鑫(1985— ),女,上海外国语大学英语学院2023级博士研究生(上海 200083);[俄]左贞观(1945— ),男,俄籍华裔作曲家、俄罗斯功勋艺术家、友谊勋章获得者、俄罗斯爱乐乐团团长(俄罗斯 莫斯科 125319)。 

A Research of Pianist Richter’s Visiting as Music Diplomacy During theHoneymoon Period 1954-60of China and the Soviet Union

Ming XinZuo Zhenguan

AbstractUsing the principles and methods of music politicsthe article reviews and discusses the music diplomacy events in the Sino-Soviet honeymoon period 1954-60through the official reportsarchivesand various commentaries. Based on the representation of Richter’s visiting processthe author explains its political significance and social impacti.e.it strengthened and promoted the tradition of socialist realism and nationality of our music creation and performance. The author suggests that the borrowing of the idea of the music diplomacy in the Soviet period would not only enrich the area of Chinese music in the researches of regional country studies but also promote the creation and performance of Chinese national style and taste works.

Key words Sino-Soviet “honeymoon period”Richter Святослав Теофилович РихтерSviatoslav Teofilovich Richter1915-1997); music politicsmusic diplomacy







作者简介:徐蕊(1981— ),女,艺术学博士,苏州科技大学音乐学院副教授(江苏 苏州 215009)。 

The Derivation of the Song Dynasty’s Musical Bell System

Xu Rui

AbstractFrom the Song Dynastythere were frequent controversies about the Yue Zhong musical bellin the imperial court. Since the Yue Zhong carried both the musical system of Ya Yue elegant musicand the national ritual systemit became the core musical instruments of the former. Based on the demonstration of its developmentespecially on clarification the trajectory of bronze Yue Zhong in Song Dynastythe article discussed the different views of its musical system. The author considers that the controversy became a unique cultural phenomenon in the history of musicand was also a manifestation of the politic strife and social situation on music area.

Key words Song DynastyYue Zhong musical bell]; musical systemcontroversy








作者简介:杨佳(1982— ),女,艺术学博士,中国音乐学院《中国音乐》编辑 (北京 100101)。 

Narrating History with Image: A Culture Study of Zheng Music in the Perspective of the Integration of Chinese Pluralistic Nations

Yang Jia

AbstractUtilizing the research methods of iconographyhistoriography and ethnomusicologyand taking a typical music instrument Zheng based on combing its images as entrythe article aimed at to discuss its cultural phenomenon from the cultural perspective of the integration of Chinese pluralistic nations. Focused on the diachronic development of Zhengat meanwhile its synchronous phenomenon that manifested on the types and formsthe author logically sorted out the changes of the Zheng which upon the absorbed and complemented mutually in the fundament of the pluralistic integration progressso as to provide support as theoretical basis and case study for the research of music iconographymusical instrumentation as well as the construction of interdisciplinarity.

Key words Chinese NationsIntegration of PluralisticZheng musicimagecultural phenomenon




汉畲交融 文化共相





作者简介:董晓梅(1979— )女,文学硕士,嘉应学院音乐与舞蹈学院副教授;罗钢芹(1978— )男,文学硕士,嘉应学院音乐与舞蹈学院副教授(广东 梅州 514000)。 

Han-She Intermingling and Cultural Convergence

——The Intertextuality and Triple Cultural Identity of Hakka Tiaoxi Ritual Sound

Dong XiaomeiLuo Gangqin

AbstractThe audioas text in the propriety and procedureHakka chanting and Hakka Shan’ge mountain songin the Tiaoxi wizard jumping ritualare semantic expressions in the context of the Hakka Han people as reflecting their inheritance and identification with the traditional Han culture of Central Plainswhereas the explicit gesture the ceremonysuch as the Longjiao dragon hornsand Xiluo wizard’s gongperformanceWuwu wizard’s danceand Shezu Geyao She ethnic goroup balladare semantic expressions in the context of the Hakka She people as manifesting their inheritance and adherence of the local Shewu She wizardbelief. Actuallythe intertextual construction and expression of the Tiaoxi sound is a kind of interactioncompromiseand reconstruction between the cultures of the Han and minority She in Hakka societywith the goal of constructing a cultural commonality with which the Han and minority She can identifyin order to achieve the triple cultural identity of the Hakka society with respect to the ethnic groupthe region and the country.

Key words TiaoxiHakkaritual soundHan-She cultureintertextualitycultural identity








作者简介:杨丰盛(1991— ),男,哲学博士,常熟理工学院师范学院音乐系讲师,河南大学在站博士后(合作导师:陈文革)(江苏 常熟 215506;河南 开封 475001)。 

A Daily Assignment of the Course Introduction to Ethnomusicology in the Asia-Pacific Region

——Observations Recording of the Wai Khru in Music College of Mahasarakham University and the Others

Yang Fengsheng

AbstractThis paper focuses on the author’s two participation of the Wai Khru Teachers’s Day], one of the most significant Thailand annual festivals which the traditional Thai music is indispensable in the whole processthat organized by the Faculty of Music of Mahasarakham University in the Northeastern. As a microcosm of Thai traditional music culturethe description and interpretation of the Wai Khru provides a preliminary understanding of Thai music. In additionthe mode of transmission of the whole Thai music in the Wai Khru will inspire the transmission and dissemination of Chinese traditional music.

Key words Wai Khruceremony of respecting the teacherCollege of MusicMahasarakham UniversityThai traditional music









作者简介:张一琼(1984— ), 女,艺术学博士,浙江音乐学院作曲与指挥系讲师(杭州 310024)。 

The Sound Shaping of Poetic Jiangnan in Chinese Piano Trios

——Taking Four Works of the New Rhythm of Wu-Yue as an Example

Zhang Yiqiong

AbstractAs regional cultural symbol which is full of poetry and artistic charmPoetic Jiangnan regions south of the Yangtze Rivernot only reflects the unique natural scenery and humanistic landscape of Jiangnan regionbut also unites the profound cultural heritage and aesthetic tradition of China. Thereforealso as an important theme and source of inspirationit has attracted many composers to explore and then invent with it. Taking the four piano trios on this theme which composed by the composition team Wuyue New Rhythm as the main objectsthe article explores the presentation of regional cultural symbols and their cultural connotations through the study of the means of sound shaping in the works.

Key words Poetic JiangnanWuyue New RhythmPiano TrioSound ShapingRegional Culture








作者简介:周姝(1991— ),女,艺术学博士,四川音乐学院作曲系青年教师(成都 610021)。 

A Portrayal of Music, Voice and Figure of Ancient Shu Civilization

——The Musical Language of Golden Sound and Jade Flute, Zongmu for Orchestra

Zhou Shu

AbstractAs the center of the ancient civilization in the upper reaches of the Yangtze RiverAncient Shu an ancient kingdom in what is Sichuan Province todaycivilization inspired the infinite imagination and personalized creative voice of contemporary composers as its elegant enigmamysterious and impressive manner. Yang Xiaozhong’s Golden Sound Jade FluteZongmu A monstrosity in ancient legendfor orchestra introduces ancient Shu civilization instruments with metaphorical significanceand shapes the acoustic atmosphere and musical vocabulary with both mysterious and romantic features by using the unique cultural symbols of ancient Shuwhich is a fusion of the local and exotic civilizations. Aimed at presenting the composer’s magnificent imagination and detailed description of the ancient Shu civilization in a comprehensive waythe article analyzes the Golden Sound and Jade Flute from three aspectsthe imagery of the figurethe characteristics of music and the concept of voiceand then interprets the special idea and technique of creating of secret music and voice landscape of Ancient Shu civilization.

Key words Ancient Shu CivilizationGolden Sound and Jade FluteZongmuCultural Integration








作者简介:曹丽丽(1980— ),女,太阳集团7237网站副教授,在读博士研究生;马卫星(1958— ),女,太阳集团7237网站教授,博士研究生导师(哈尔滨 150028)。 

An Analysis of Aesthetic Characteristics and Its Disseminations of the Edinburgh Festival of Arts

Cao LiliMa Weixing

AbstractThe Edinburgh Festival is an annual international arts festival held in EdinburghEngland in August. Its manifestation of the aesthetic quality of music disseminations in the development has not only realized the promulgation and exchange of music ideasknowledge and informationbut also demonstrated the city’s regional characteristicsthe degree of public acceptancethe ability to consolidate resources and the influence of music communicationas well as has brought far-reaching value to the world’s audience in terms of its creative expression of music. In the research on the aesthetics of music dissemination of the Edinburgh Festivalthere are also realistic questionswhat is the nature of its artistic disseminationHow does it appeal to the emotions between the public and itselfWhat are the functions and values of its disseminationThe article focuses on the influence of the Edinburgh Festival’s disseminationdiscusses its dissemination ideaand interprets the value of its aesthetic and contemporary values.

Key words Edinburgh Festivalart ideacommunicationaestheticsvalue







译者简介:江松洁(1983— ),女,文学博士,四川大学艺术学院讲师(成都 610065)。


Sociology of Music (Part A)

By John Shepherdtranslated by Songjie Jiang

AbstractThis translation is translated from the “Sociology of Music” entry in the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 2001), an authoritative music reference book in the English-speaking world. The author of this entryJohn Shepherdis one of the leading scholars in the field of music sociology in the worldand is currently working at Carleton University in OttawaCanada. This entry can be roughly divided into four partswhich respectively discussed the theoretical basishistory and characteristics of music sociology as a disciplineand its four main directions of current researchnamelymusic as social meaningmusic as social interactionmusic as social identityand music as commercial and industrial process. The author briefly reviewed the important scholars in the field of music sociology and their representative works and viewpoints. This Chinese translation presents the whole entry for the first time in China. It is believed that this translation will become an important new reference to the study of music sociology in China.

Key words sociology of musicdictionary entryNew Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians2001); Chinese translation


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